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  • 3 Rivers Racing Elite

    Three Rivers Racing Elite is a program designed to support local and regional elite level and emerging elite level athletes. Our aim is to create an environment for post-collegiate runners to continue to train and compete at a high caliber level.



    To be considered, all applicants must:

    1. Hit one of the qualifying standards within the past 365 days.
    2. Live and train in the Northeast Indiana area.
    3. Fill out and send an application to Lynn Marbach - Lynn@3riversrunning.com

    Note: We have a cap on our Elite teams. Both our men's and women's teams are currently full. Spots are very limited and membership is ultimately up to the discretion of the Club Director.


    Qualifying Standards

    The time qualifications are set by the 3 Rivers Racing Elite Club Director and based on USATF and Olympic Trials Qualifying Standards. There are two tiers which grant correlating benefits.

    Three Rivers Elite team participation is granted on an annual basis and is ultimately at the discretion of Three Rivers Running Company and the Club Director.

    Background Image

    Meet the Elites - Women's Team


    Bailey Beery

    High school: Bellmont High School

    College: University of Louisville / BA in Biology

    Occupation: Certified Anesthesiologist Assistant

    How I started running: When I was in elementary I would run laps around my big country yard to keep in shape for soccer. I started running cross country in middle school, but only because my sister did. Soccer was still my number one sport and I continued to play all through high school. But my high XC school coach, Carl Risch, made sure I was running cross country in the fall. Then in the spring when I said I wanted to play tennis he fairly easily talked me out of it to run track. And I am so happy that he did! I am lucky to have found a love for running.

    5,000 - 16:35
    10,000 - 34:19
    Marathon - 2:38:40


    Anna Clayton

    High School: Concordia Lutheran High school

    Occupation: Customer Service Representative at Vera Bradley

    How I started running: I started running in 7th grade and right away was at the back of the pack. After already trying every single sport I could in school and not really succeeding at any of them, running was the only one I wasnt quite as bad at. (Didnt require as much coordination ) I continued running in high school and in fear of falling behind the group, I forced myself to stay up with everyone and very quickly fell in love with the sport.

    5,000 - 18:03
    10,000 - 37:34
    Half Marathon - 1:21:43


    Alex Ebetino

    High school: Bishop Dwenger, 2019

    College: University of Saint Francis, Art Education and Pre Art Therapy, 2024

    Occupation: Art teacher at South Side High School, Cross Country and Track coach

    How I started running: I started running because no other sports worked out. I preferred to run away from the ball in volleyball, softball, and basketball. Obviously running away from the action wasnt the best way to play! I started track in elementary school doing every event possible, but cross country began in 7th grade when my mom dropped me off at practice and told me to run. Ive loved it ever since!

    1500 - 4:37
    5,000 - 17:10
    10,000 - 36:44
    Half Marathon - 1:20:58


    Hidi Gaff

    High School: Holland High School (Holland, MI)

    College: Hillsdale College and IPFW

    Occupation: Sales Manager at Three Rivers Running Company

    How I started running: I started running my sophomore year of high school after being recruited by the XC coach during my gym class. What began as an outlet for typical teenage emotions grew into my first love. After running competitively in college, I took 12 years off to raise my six children. When my oldest son started running XC in 2012, I decided to lace back up so I could share my love for running with my children.

    5,000 - 17:58
    10,000 - 37:17
    Half Marathon - 1:21:50
    Marathon - 2:51:59


    Evie Miller

    High School: Homestead High School

    College: Trine University and University of Saint Francis

    Occupation: Physical Therapist Assistant

    How I started running: I was first inspired by a newspaper clipping that I found of my Dad running when he was in high school. On one fateful day, my last day of school in 7th grade, I went home sick and I decided to sign up on the sheet in the school office when we went to pick up my school supplies... and the rest is history! I have been very blessed to be a part of all of the programs I have been a part of leading up to now!

    800 - 2:10
    1500 - 4:27
    Mile - 4:45
    3,000 - 9:32
    3,000 Steeplechase - 10:06
    5,000 - 16:26
    10,000 - 34:02


    Heather Plastow

    High School: Lakeland Christian Academy

    College: Grace College

    Occupation: Travel RN

    How I started running: I ran track on and off growing up, and when college rolled around, I knew I needed more dough. I decided I was going to get good at running and get a scholarship. My brother, dad, and I all started running together in January 2018, and I ran my first Cross Country season with GCXC that fall! Looking back, I feel like God really made my cup overflow in that now I have a sport Im in love with and friendships that will last a lifetime!

    800 - 2:14
    1,000 - 3:00
    1500 - 4:35
    Mile - 5:00
    3,000 - 10:25
    5,000 - 17:53
    8,000 - 29:44


    Samantha Simonson

    High School: Carroll High School, 2008

    College: Loyola University Chicago & Purdue Fort Wayne, 2014

    Occupation: Senior Program Director at Central Branch YMCA

    How I started running: In middle school, a friend asked me to join track practice. I instantly fell in love with middle distance races. The energy and competitive team spirit of events like the 4x400m relay propelled me to work hard every day. Running from youth to adulthood has always inspired me to be the best version of myself in all facets of life.

    800 2:16
    Mile 5:03
    5,000 17:45
    10,000 37:47
    Half Marathon 1:23
    Marathon 3:02


    Laura Zenger

    High School: Blackhawk Christian School

    College: Purdue University

    Occupation: Underwriter at Brotherhood Mutual

    How you started running: My mom used to run, and I always wanted to go out running with her when I was a kid.

    5,000 - 17:48
    Half Marathon - 1:18
    Marathon - 2:42

    Meet the Elites - Men's Team


    Jack Beakas

    High School: DeKalb High School

    College: Trine University and Notre Dame

    Occupation: Water Engineer

    How you started running: Everyone in my family is a runner so it was a natural choice!

    3,000 - 8:25
    5,000 - 14:44
    8,000 - 24:20
    10,000 - 30:18
    Half Marathon - 1:10:29
    Marathon - 2:18:18


    Aaron Combs

    High School: Starmount High School in Elkin, NC

    College: UNC Wilmington, Queens University

    Occupation: Head Coach at Purdue Fort Wayne

    How you started running: I started running ironically after I did a sprint test for Football tryouts. After being one of the quickest tryouts, a track coach asked me to tryout from there. Each year after that I went up in distance- started as a 100m sprinter and finished my college career as a NCAA D1 National Qualifier in the 800m.

    800 - 1:49.4
    Mile - 4:07


    Sam Hardy

    High School: North Muskegon High School

    College: Taylor University

    Occupation: Worship Pastor at First Missionary Church in Fort Wayne

    How you started running: I went to a cross country call-out meeting in 7th grade thinking it was for track and field because I wanted to be a jumper... I had very little interest in long-distance running but my family convinced me it'd be good for me to build endurance for other sports. Then I made a great group of friends on the cross-country team and slowly began to fall in love with running.

    3k Steeplechase - 9:26
    5,000 - 15:41
    Half Marathon - 1:10:35
    Marathon - 2:29:35


    Justin Kowalski

    High School: Mishawaka High School

    College: Tri-State University (Trine)

    Occupation: Computer Programmer

    How you started running: I started running my paper route when I was 10. I joined the elementary track team at age 11 and had mild success and continued it through high school and college.

    5,000 - 15:28
    10,000 - 32:17
    Half Marathon - 1:09:17
    Marathon - 2:24:51
    50 Mile - 6:44:53


    Derek Miller

    High School: Westview High School

    College: Trine University

    Occupation: Civil Engineer

    How I started running: I had an uncle that ran, and I watched him race when I was growing up, so I wanted to do it too. I did my first 1 mile fun run as a first grader, and did the race every single year until I was old enough to join the cross country and track team at school. As a fifth grader I was running the mile in PE and the junior high cross country coach happened to be outside setting up for a meet that day and immediately started recruiting me to join the team. I have been running competitively ever since!

    5,000m - 14:52
    10,000m - 30:35
    Half Marathon - 1:08:19
    Marathon - 2:21:43


    Brendon Moody

    High School: Van Wert High School

    College: Heidelberg University

    Occupation: Director of Cross Country and Track and Field at the University of Saint Francis, Fort Wayne.

    How I started running: I've been running since 4th grade in some capacity or another. Much like most kids I was not naturally good at "ball sports." After getting cut from my high school baseball team as a freshman, I decided to start running year-round which is led me to where I'm at today.


    Robert Murphy

    High School: Warsaw Community High School

    College: Vincennes University (2 years), IUPUI

    Occupation: Full Time Custodian at Warsaw Community High School

    How I started running: I was running laps non-stop around my middle school's outdoor track during/after our 1 mile run in gym class. Someone in my class convinced me I should run track. I then started track and field my eighth-grade year doing mostly hurdles, long jump, and the 200m dash. Come high school, I gave cross country a try my freshman year and ever since then, I've been running every year and still am to this day.

    Mile - 4:08
    3,000m Steeplechase - 8:44
    5,000 - 14:18
    Half Marathon - 1:07
    Marathon - 2:18:58


    James Ngandu

    College: Tiffin University

    5,000 - 13:46
    10,000 - 28:45
    Half Marathon - 1:01:28
    Marathon - 2:10:17


    Andy Williams

    High School: Northridge High School

    College: Manchester College (now Manchester University)

    Occupation: Physical Education Teacher and Coach

    How you started running: We had a quarter mile track at our elementary school. If we chose to run it during recess, we could keep track of our mileage and move up to new "Mile Clubs". I ran 300 miles total during my 2nd grade year, and 525 miles during 5th grade. My teacher let me put my name and footprints in the new track cement that year. I was hooked. Those footprints are still there today!

    Mile - 4:22
    5,000 - 15:09
    10,000 - 31:50
    Half Marathon - 1:08:39
    Marathon - 2:17:49


    Jeff Zenger

    High School: Penn High School

    College: Ball State University / Purdue Fort Wayne

    Occupation: Commercial Real Estate Agent

    How you started running: My section leader in HS marching band also ran XC, and inspired me when they said they had gone for a 70 minute run before practice one day. I couldn't believe someone I knew could run that long without stopping! I went for my first run the next day (in skater shoes), and shortly after ran my first 5k. I was hooked!

    5,000 - 16:40
    Half Marathon - 1:11:15
    Marathon - 2:32:52
    50k - 3:10:30
    50 Mile - 5:37:05
    100 Mile - 13:42:19

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