
Gait Analysis & Shoe Fitting

3RRC offers a personalized shoe fitting and gait analysis process to ensure the best possible fit for your individual needs. There is more to selecting the right shoe than picking your favorite colors; we take the time to listen to your personal history, to check your previous footwear, and to ask about your fitness goals when we fit you for shoes. You do not need to set up an appointment to do an in-store gait analysis.

Proper gait analysis & shoe fitting can…

  • Improve performance
  • Reduce injuries
  • Increase enjoyment of running or walking
  • Enhance overall comfort

When you visit 3RRC for a new pair of shoes, you can be confident that you will leave with the best possible shoe for your foot type and individual needs. We will begin by measuring your feet by length, width, and arch. From there, we will put you in a neutral shoe and watch you run or walk on a treadmill for a few minutes. While you are on the treadmill, we will take some footage of your gait, which we will then review on our software system to determine what type of shoe will be most beneficial. After we analyze your gait, we will bring you a variety of brands and models for you to test out.

This process is beneficial for walkers, runners, those with jobs that keep them on their feet for several hours, individuals with foot injuries, and much more. We fit people of all ages, abilities, and fitness levels!

“Training with others and witnessing their accomplishments motivates and inspires me. I’ve recommended 3RRC to runners of all abilities. The employees are not only experts, but are friendly and patient in making sure customers are matched with the best products for their running objectives.”

Mike Slaubaugh


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